NCL Maternity Voice Partnerships

Maternity Voices Partnerships (MVPs) are NHS working groups made up of women and their families, midwives, doctors, health visitors and commissioners working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care.

The ethos of the MVPs are:

  • Every woman on the maternity pathway has a chance to have her voice heard about the service she is receiving through an MVP
  • Every MVP is adequately resourced to engage in true co-production of maternity services
  • Local MVP chairs and service user members feel networked and supported in their role
  • MVPs are involved in work in their local communities and also represented at Local Maternity System (LMS) level

In North Central London (NCL) we have four local MVPs that are each linked to the four Trusts in North Central London as below.
Your MVP wants to hear about your experiences of maternity care during, before and after your pregnancy.
If you would like to find out more, get in touch, join your local group and/or feedback on the services please see below for your local MVPs contact details.

  • Chair: Freya El Baz
  • Email:
  • Further details: